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Step Three - Hotel Bookings




Hotel Bookings will work a little differently this year.  We are doing a group-booking, rather than having you each book individually.  There are pros and cons to the system, but it helped us negotiate a better rate and I have seen it used successfully at other conventions, so we're going to give it a try.  2019 is a year of experimentation, join us!  

HOTEL BOOKINGS CLOSED ON MARCH 15th.  If you need to book a room, please fill out the form and ALSO email us so we can help.

Please fill out our Hotel Booking form.  As tempting as it might be for you to book through or something of that ilk, it's very important that you book with us through our group.  The total number of hotel room nights we book is the biggest tool we have for negotiating a great rate for the Meeting Room space, which is how we help keep everyone's Registration rates down.  So, if money is tight and you have some free nights coming up, we get it, but - if you can - please book with our group.   
      If you have any questions about the booking form, please send an email to, and we can work through it together.  

Only one person from your booking needs to fill out the form.  If you have trouble doing it on the webpage (these don't always work great on mobile devices - just click here to go directly to the form.

Amenities for paying guests include Free Wifi and Free Hot Breakfast.

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