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The insufferable Montgomery Donovan

Dear Father,

We met the locally renowned Montgomery Donovan today. He was able to clarify many things for us, but much more yet remains a mystery. It is no surprise a man of his ego would find himself so deeply embroiled in a criminal's world. We would never have let him go, if not for his son whom I do pity so - both for the loss of his mother, and the suffering he endures.

Nearly everyone in Valetta seems to answer to this cult - the police, key medical professionals, and an entire network of spies. Our "rescue" effort has left the city unsafe for myself and my new associates, and so we have all fled together by boat to safer shores. Once we have settled somewhere anew, I promise to make contact once more so you can write to me in turn.

For now, we will have to lay low and regroup. The cultists, reluctant to lose their figurehead so soon after they lost their great source of power, or perhaps merely as an act of revenge, followed us. There was a terrible firefight, and - unfortunately - one of us was lost, an art historian called Erik. He seemed a good man, 'though I did not know him long enough to fully understand his stake in such a matter. But the loss was a shock nonetheless.

In addition to rescuing Donovan and his son, I also chose to rescue a second young boy, also a victim of this damnable cult. His health is poor, and efforts at treating both "Monty" Jr and this young boy, an orphan called Alexei, have been for nought. Supposedly, Alexei was bitten by one of these "mouths" which the cult worships - or perhaps its offshoot, as it was said to be much smaller. I am still not certain what "Monty" Jr is afflicted by. The father, despite needing our help, hasn't got much to say on that subject.

Your acquaintance Mr Sterling Lockhart has been of great assistance to us, procuring cars and passing messages, and even arranging our passage from this cursed isle. I was pleased when he arrived at the last moment bearing luggage that he has decided to join us. I suppose it was too great a mystery not to rouse his interest. While we have not yet seen true evidence of the mysticism my new comrades claim to be battling, I can see that their enemies also believe in it.

Mr Donovan shared with us the following details (this was his exchange for our deliverance of "safe" passage). Again, as I have not yet seen evidence of this myself, we should both take his words as they are intended but not yet for truth.

  • He does not know how to destroy the mouths. But he claims they begin to emerge on their own, as they find a place where they can break through - and this effort can be aided (a man they call Trammel, he says, could do it; although the others claim to have killed Trammel in California). They are small when they surface, but can be groomed and fed to grow.

  • He says they speak, often in our tongue, and even in your own voice.

  • The others say they know of one which fed on sexual energy (this one which had been cultivated by Trammel in Los Angeles, which they believe they destroyed with dynamite). Another in Thailand is rumoured to feed off of violence.

  • The one in Valetta, also destroyed with dynamite - heroically at one of their companions' peril - did not feed from sexual energy nor violence, but seemed to require sacrifice. In particular, it wanted Donovan's son, but Donovan gave it his wife, Portia, instead. And still the mouth was not sated. It was following this that his son fell ill, and no treatments - neither magic, nor medicine, nor even Nectar - have been successful.

  • He says once when the mouth spoke it told him "more would open when the moon was dark and the stars shone". We have theorized between us this could mean a New Moon. But it seems equally unlikely that an event of this proportion could happen so frequently.

  • He named two other leaders of this cult. In Mexico City - Jonathan Brooks - which the others confirm matches the initials J.B. they have in Trammel's journal. In Bangkok, a woman by the name of Savitree. The others asked about a Daniel Lowman, whom Donovan named as her accountant.

  • His information comes, he says, from Maltese folk lore, from carvings in ruins beneath Valetta. He says there is a "sky rite" - which will lead to the maw. It is the maw which must be destroyed, lest the mouths continue to reappear in perpetuity, calling to those who seek power.

  • Donovan's final admission to us was knowledge of a "spell" - the Gaze of Azezoth, from the Revelations of Gla'aki. He believes he knows how to cast it, but not where. Donovan believes if he can reach the maw, he might see Portia again. As if she is alive there, somehow, perhaps in another dimension. If this is true, by some miracle, perhaps my new companions will find those they have lost as well.

We have read of these things of course, father, and I know you believe they could exist, but I certainly have never traveled to one myself. He has agreed to teach their resident occultist, Otto, this rite. He is rather over-eager that one, and puts me at unease. But he is indeed awfully German.

I find myself wholly caught up in their cause, and hope to see it through. I will take copious notes for you, and send them your way as often as I am able. I will try to find places and times you can contact me back, in case you come across relevant documents which might further our efforts, or correct us - as the case was with poor Sir Godfrey. Do continue to use our code, as you never know who might intercept our exchange. This group seems to make enemies wherever they travel, and I expect this shall only grow worse as we grow closer to the heart (or, well, stomach) of the enemy.

Your devoted daughter,

Wilma Jane

* * *

Other notes:

Names of relevance in Valetta:

Dianna Hans - the true leader of the cult

Prescott - the head of security

Dr Salazio - on the cult's payroll, was treating Donovan's son Monty Jr and Alexei

Alexei repeatedly asked about the "green woman" who visits him in his dreams. This could be merely fever-induced delusions, desires to see his mother, or could have a deeper meaning. We have his medical chart.

The fisherman was named Anglou, and agreed to a charter to Sicily.

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