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A trip to Virginia

I have decided to return to Virginia for a few days to check in with work and with George. He’ll be concerned for me no doubt, and it seems I’ll be absent far longer than originally anticipated.

My time with George has been fruitful. He has retained more authority with The Bureau than I had realized (which should come as no true surprise, George isn’t the retiring sort).

He has arranged to “take me on” to his current case (which of course, is no case at all but for the one I’m currently pursuing). The case has peaked his interest as well as my own, as he seems to have dug up the makings of some sort of cover up.

The massacre at the farm was disavowed, disappeared from the records, but between Mary and George they managed to find an original copy:

George is greatly concerned for my person, but also believes there is an active element and potential threat still at large, and has given me his blessing to continue my investigation.We’ll have to be more cautious of any Bureau or police connections herein.We have given our project the codename of “Honey” for use in any “official” capacity.

Eerily, George has had a rather disturbing dream – nightmare really – which involved me protruding mouths from my body. The eerie bit is that we had yet to discuss the nature of the “creature” – to my best recollection.I must have mentioned it to him inadvertently, how else would he have come up with such disturbing images….But I truly do not recall the conversation.Perhaps it was the lack of sleep during those heaviest of days. Nothing else makes sense, really.

It was good to talk with George, good to hear he agrees there’s more to all of this, and good to have his help. I had no idea what I was going to tell my employers.

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